Wednesday, January 29, 2025

title pic How to make a beret

Posted by admin on October 6, 2014


In this project you will need: printable which can be found below the text, needle, felt x3, thread or you could use a sewing machine. 

Printable: beret

Grab the printable and cut it out to the black line. Yellow line if is a child.

Place the printable on the border of the piece of felt which should be placed horizontally.

Remember that you want to fit 3 of these printables ,which look like petals, on two pieces of felt unless you want to place each in separate piece of felt.

Cut the "petals" out, leaving you with 6 petals.

Make groups of two.

You should be left with three big petals.

Sew each petal together and you should be left with something some like a beret.

Cut a strip of felt out of the 3rd piece of felt and fold it on to the perimeter of the beret.

When you are done with that you are done with the beret!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't forget that life is sew PKPINK!!!!


